Sunday, December 31, 2017

Tater Tall Tales

Oh for fuck's sake.

Visual representation of underfunding science education here, folks

This came across our newsfeed, and this is the type of bullshit we can't stand.

So I saw an article about putting potatoes in the babies [sic] sock [sic] when they're sick [soc?]. So [baby] had a little cold and i [sic] put potatoes in his socks last night around 8-9pm. [editor's note - this process took an hour?] He didn't cough through the night...nose isn't running...isn't as congested and he slept for 12 hours. [Praise the mothafuckin' Lord emoji]

We were going to comment on how absolutely un-fucking-reasonable this person was and how over 117,000 brainless Facebookian morons immediately took it as gospel truth, but...


How did this procedure come to be? Obviously this is Bullshit Bin fodder, and we could tear it apart, but...

How did someone think of this? There had to be a "first time," right?

Did someone happen to have a sick baby and think, "Potatoes in his socks - yeah, that's the ticket'?" Like, how does a thinking, breathing human being associate "This child is S-I-C-K, sick," with, "we need to see about getting some taters on those tootsies right away?"

Maybe it was, "Gosh, my kid is congested, what is the dumbest fucking thing I can think of to try and cure her? AH-HA - cut that spud in half, my man, and put it in her socks!"

It gets us thinking - how do all these pseudo-scientific, woo-woo, flim-flam ideas come to be? Who comes up with this shit?

"My back hurts."

Place a few magnets on my spine, please, chum?

"My ear hurts."

Plunk a waxy torch in my head, pal!

"I'm sorry, sir, you have cancer."

We have to say - we appreciate the creativity.

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